Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Iota Psi Lambda Chapter

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Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha

Reactivation | National Obligation

Have you left the fold and want to become active again? There might be any number of reasons why you left, however your active participation is wanted and needed. Each brother fulfilling his financial obligation to our dear Fraternity in a consistent and timely manner is paramount to the operation of our organization. As our Fourth General President, Brother Charles Henry Garvin so eloquently stated in Esprit de Fraternite; prompt payment of all financial obligations is the prime requisite for a successful fraternal life. We need a strong fiscally vibrant organization to execute our fraternity's mission; to "develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.”

So there is no need to wait any longer, GET ACTIVE TODAY!!! We need you in the house brother.

Annual Grand tax to the national organization is $150.00

Annual Chapter dues to Iota Psi Lambda is another $150.00

  • Click here to download the national reactivation form.

Reactivation | Chapter Affiliation

Brothers, fulfilling our financial obligation to the chapter in our vicinity is equally as important as our obligations to the National organization. Chapter dues contribute to the fixed operational costs the chapter must pay to the district and region. Additionally, chapter dues provide the operating revenue which allow for chapter programming, events and community service. Pay your dues online and become financial today!

Brothers wishing to become financial with Iota Psi Lambda Chapter have multiple options:

  • Pay online with any major credit or debit card via the chapter square account by clicking here.
  • Pay online with any major credit or debit card via the chapter square account by clicking the "square" logo found in the bottom right corner of any page of the chapter website.
  • Send a money order, personal check or cashier's check in the amount of $150.00 to the chapter P.O. Box (address below) and be sure to include your name, mailing address and phone number.
  • Attend a chapter meeting and remit payment directly to the chapter treasurer or his designee.
  • Contact the IPsiL Chapter Treasurer directly to make specific or alternate arrangements.

Note: All brothers previously initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha and seeking to affiliate with Iota Psi Lambda for their first time have a dues obligation of $0.00 for their first fraternal year of association. However, such brothers must still pay their obligation to the national organization during that year. Please contact the Chapter Treasurer to confirm your eligibility.

Life Membership

The Life Membership Program is available to all members of the Fraternity. Completion of a life membership subscription exempts a member from the obligation to pay Grand Tax for life. Life membership subscriptions can be paid in full or in installments with an initial payment of $150 to start the subscription. The current Life Membership Program is $3000.00. Anyone interested in starting a subscription should download the Life Membership Application and forward it to the Corporate Headquarters Office.

  • Click here to download the life membership application form.
  • Click here to download the life membership payment form.

    (Note: Payments can also be made via AlphaNET)