Becoming an Alpha
More than 175,000 men have joined the ranks of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., since the organization’s founding in 1906. The Fraternity is international with chapters located throughout the United States, District of Columbia, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Africa. The organization has been interracial since 1945.
Alpha Phi Alpha recognizes two types of membership, College and Alumni. A candidate (a man seeking membership into Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.) may apply for membership into a College Chapter as an undergraduate student in good standing at a fully accredited four year college or university. College candidates can only join the Fraternity at a College or University where an active chapter is present. Candidates may apply for membership into an Alumni Chapter as a graduate who has earned a degree from a fully accredited four year college of university. Alumni candidates are encouraged to join chapters that are within a 60 mile radius of their permanent place of residence. All candidates (Collegiate and Alumni) must complete the same requirements to become a member of the Fraternity.
Becoming a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity requires an investment of your personal time, talents, and money. We are not looking for candidates who are not interested in serving the communities in which they live. We are not seeking candidates who do not take academic excellence seriously. Most importantly, we are not interested in individuals whose actions will put the organization’s brand and well-being at risk. This ship does not need anchors.
An Alpha Phi Alpha member's greatest interest lies outside of himself. We value those who believe that their membership in Alpha Phi Alpha is the presentation of their personal commitment to time-valued words such as KNOWLEDGE, ACHIEVEMENT, SERVICE, INTEGRITY, QUALITY, HONOR, EXCELLENCE, and COMMUNITY.
If the commentary above is a fitting description of you, we encourage you to continue reading through the links at right to learn more regarding Alpha's qualifications for membership.