Iota Psi Lambda Officers 2018-2019
Position | Brother |
President | Bro. Anthony J. Sanders |
Immediate Past-President | Bro. Sean E. Harris |
Vice President | Bro. Keith A. Hill |
Secretary | Bro. Allen A. Ahmadi |
Corresponding Secretary | Bro. Michael V. Baty |
Treasurer | Bro. Eli S. Waldon, Sr. |
Financial Secretary | Bro. Joshua E. James |
Parliamentarian | Bro. Michael V. Baty |
Sergeant At Arms | Bro. Danny Branch |
Chaplain | Bro. Chuck Crawley |
Historian | Bro. Kyran Worrell |
Dean | Bro. Eli S. Waldon, Sr. |
Director of Educational Activities | Bro. Vincent Baty |
Assoc. Ed to the Sphinx | Bro. Harold J. Pope |
Webmaster | Bro. Jonathan D. Madison | New Mexico Area Director | Bro. Jeffrey Hemphill | New Mexico Area Chief Dean | TBD |